


ServiceBip™ will contribute to better management of your service.

  • Your customers will be able to call a waiter at the beach by pressing the ServiceBip™ button.
  • When your customers are on vacation on their deck chair, not having to travel is a significant luxury.
  • Waiters will no longer have to go back and forth between the beach and the bar: the completely waterproof beeps will alert them remotely. Customers will even be able to order with their feet in the water.

ServiceBip™ is a call button perfectly suited for customers to take full advantage of their deck chair or swimming and enjoy their vacation to the fullest.

ServiceBip™, how does it work?

By pressing the wireless call button, customers can call staff and place orders while lying on the beach and even in the water. Undeniable comfort and no need to interrupt your tanning session to get refreshments at the bar.

The ServiceBip™ device is completely waterproof, you can easily keep it in your swimming shorts.

Service Bip Cabinet 2

Thanks to a watch receiver that rings or vibrates when necessary, beachgoers will be able to be notified of requests directly and head towards the beach, this will also avoid unnecessary return trips.

The ServiceBip™ system operates by radio frequency and up to 200 meters in open fields. With an amplifier, the signal can be extended to 2km.

Your beach will become the new trendy vacation spot with the buzz effect

  • You allow your customers to order hassle-free: Distance is no longer a problem. Your service will delight them and could earn you some generous tips.
  • With ServiceBip™, they will no longer abandon an order. You will come to them when they want and the turnover of your bar risks exploding this summer.

Many beachside establishments already trust us, why not you?

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